Uniland, in which CRH has a 26.3 per cent stake, saw its earnings before interest and tax soar 28.5 per cent to EUR170.9m as sales rose 13.7 per cent to EUR648.2m.  
The Catalan firm, which is controlled by Madrid-listed Fomento de Construcciones y Contratas (FCC), delivered 9.8 per cent sales growth in its Spanish business to EUR449.7m, while its international sales  – mainly in Tunisia, South America and the US – rose 23.8 per centc to EUR198.5m.  
"This was a very strong performance by the company," said Robert Eason, an analyst with Goodbody Stockbrokers, noting that CRH reports Uniland’s results in the "associates" line of its earnings statements. CRH, which is scheduled to unveil its full-year figures next Tuesday, has previously said it expects to post pre-tax profits of EUR1.9bn for 2007 as acquisition spend came to about EUR2.2bn.