Indian cement maker JK Cement Ltd today said its net profit has increased by 60 per cent at Rs 80.2 crores during the quarter ended December 31, 2007 as against Rs 50.2 crore during the corresponding quarter a year ago. The net turnover has also increased by 22 per cent at Rs 389.9 crore during Q3 FY2007-08 compared to Rs 319 crore during the same period a year ago.
The company has two cement plants at Nimbahera and Mangrol with an aggregate installed capacity of 4Mta and is one of the top five producers of grey cement in the northern region. It is also the second largest producer of white cement in the country having manufacturing facility at Gotan with an annual installed capacity of 0.4Mta.
It also informed that its Green Field Cement plant at Karnataka is also progressing as per schedule and is likely to be commissioned in the fourth quarter January-March of FY2008-09.