The Doha Securities Market has completed preparations for the listing of Gulf Cement Company. The bourse said shareholders can place their trade orders before the debut date of August 21. "All information pertaining to Gulf Cement shareholders are now available to licensed brokerage companies at the DSM," the bourse said in a communiqué yesterday. Therefore, shareholders could trade their shares through those licensed brokerage companies without the need of the Central Registration Department, the communiqué said.
"Shareholders can submit their sale/purchase orders before listing the company’s shares at the DSM in order to prevent long waiting lines and pressure facing the licensed brokerage companies," it added. With the debut, the cement company becomes the 36th listed entity in the market.
The QR800mn capital-based company, which has an initial production capacity of 1.83Mta, had tapped the market with an initial public offer offloading 80 per cent stake to public.