Bestway Cement, situated in District Chakwal, Pakistan, started production Tuesday from its new plant. The facility has been built at a cost of Rs7bn (US$116m). A brief ceremony was held at the plant, which was attended by people of the area and local notables. Representatives of foreign suppliers of the plant as well as the chief executive of the company had specially flown in for the occasion.

Chief Executive of the company Zameer Chaudhry stated that the project has been completed in a record time of 19 months. He further opined that this added capacity should help alleviate the shortage of cement and stabilise prices in the country. The project will also provide employment to more than 5000 people directly and indirectly. The prime minister of Pakistan had laid the foundation stone of the project April 9, 2005.

Bestway Cement has already two plants operating in Hattar and Farooquia. The addition of this plant will take their daily production to 12,000tpd.