Indian cement companies are trying to woo builders to use flyash-based products, which are considered to be more eco-friendly. The companies of the likes of Grasim, ACC, and L&T, are holding host of workshops to impress upon the real estate developers on the uses of flyash products. According to the cement industry estimates, total flyash production in the country is about 95Mt per annum.  Out of this, about 30 per cent meets the requirements of grade I flyash as per IS code: 3812, suitable for manufacture of cement.  "This goes to show that nearly 30 to 35 million tonnes flyash is currently available for utilisation by cement industry," a spokesman said.

Share of PPC (which has flyash content) presently stands at 34 per cent of the total cement production of 102Mt. The Indian cement plants on average add 20 per cent flyash though the IS code permits addition of up to 35 per cent. The cement industry is thus utilising about 7Mt of flyash per year, he said. The thrust on educating real estate developers is currently on in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka in South. However, some cement companies are focusing on western and central India where the awareness on the usage of flyash cement is much lower (original Times of India report).