Operations by Kenya’s leading cement producers including East African Portland Cement and Bamburi Cement – all with operations in the Athi River region – may be forced to halt production due to the closure of mines by locals in the county of Kajiado.
Local newspaper the Nairobi Star reports that Maasai leaders have ordered the shut down all the mines. Other producers with operations in the Athi River region which are said to be affected include Simba Cement, Mombasa Cement and Rhino Cement.
The companies say that 90 per cent of raw materials come from Kajiado county and that as soon as they exhaust their reserves the industry may collapse if the government does not step in to solve the situation.
Councillor Jeremiah Parkeina, together with larger leaders of the Kajiado county, have warned cement companies to stay off Massai land until further notice. Parkeina said the decision to close down all the major mining areas is because the government had refused to listen to the local community on matters development. The civic leader said he was selected to convey demands to the government which include a round-table talk with all the cement firms in Athi River and Kenyan government representatives. The meeting is yet to be arranged.