Cimento Itambé has awarded Aumund do Brasil and Schade Lagertechnik GmbH a contract for the rebuilding of a limestone storage facility. Apart from the refurbishment of an existing scraper reclaimer, the supply of a new bridge reclaimer forms part of the scope of supply which is scheduled to be employed for homogenised reclaiming of the raw material. Whilst the refurbishment of the old unit was the first to be implemented, the new bridge reclaimer has been in service since the beginning of 2012.  
As a first step, the SCHADE Lagertechnik specialists from Herne fitted the existing scraper with a second harrow sourced from a no longer existent local supplier. Flexible utilisation of the recently separated longitudinal stockpiles is made possible in this way. Prior to the rebuild, the old scraper which was equipped with just one harrow, had been transported with the aid of a mobile platform to one of the two former (parallel) stockpiles.

Owing to the extension of the raw material storage totalling four separate longitudinal stockpiles, an additional bridge scraper was necessary which runs on a 33m long track. The scraper achieves a reclaiming capacity of 500t per hour. It is employed in parallel with the refurbished older unit. The Schade installation and components were designed in such a way that a ten-fold and two-fold warranty have been given for the chain and gear systems respectively.