India-based cement producer Ambuja Cements has scooped three awards at the 9th National Award for Excellence for its work in the drought-prone state of Rajasthan.

Ambuja’s two plants in Rajasthan – Rabriyawas and Marwar Mundwa – both won awards for their respective water management efforts. Commenting on the company’s achievements, Ambuja’s CEO, Ajay Kapur, said: “This is a matter or immense pride for Ambuja to bag these awards, and thus setting fresh benchmarks in water management not just in the arid region of Rajasthan but also across the country.”

The company’s Rabriyawas took top spot under the category "Excellence in Water Management: Within the Fence" for its initiatives within the facility/industry. Meanwhile the Marwar Mundwa, unit was awarded under the category of "Excellence in Water Management: Beyond the Fence" that showcased an innovative leadership role in implementing water and watershed management projects with the involvement of public/ private agencies and the community. Rajesh Singhi, Joint President (Special Projects), Marwar Mundwa, commented: “Our groundbreaking work fanned across this area ensured we would comfortably race past the 48 other contenders.” 

The event was organised by the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII)-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre and held in the pink city of Jaipur.

Ambuja Cements is 50.3 per cent-owned by Swiss cement major Holcim.