The mayors of the Pescara mining basin have voiced their opposition to the closure of Italcementi's Scafa plant and have asked the company to review its plans. They are also ready to assert their own reasons, to broaden the discussion at the national level.

"Italcementi must comply with the national agreements signed in December last year, accepted by the social partners, in contrast to what the layoffs today, which was intended for restructuring and has become accusation of activities," said the mayor of Scafa, Maurizio Giancola. "Additionally, the company's mining concessions should be renovated with specific guarantees regarding the continued operation of the Scafa plant, plan relating to the investment and restructuring of publicly-owned Sama, which must ensure profits.

The municipalities requested a meeting with Italcementi's Abruzzo vice president Alfredo Castiglione next Monday to shed light on the future of Italcementi in the area.

Local press reports indicated that cement production may shift from Scafa to Bussi sul Tirino, some 20km to the east, prompting a faster closure of the site.