Following the upgrade of its cement mill at Villeta, Paraguay's Industria national de Cemento (INC) expects to increase its production by 25 per cent from March 2015, according to the company's president, Jorge Mendez.

INC also envisages a 19 per cent fall in production costs with the new dryer for pozzolana, which represents an investment of US$2.5m.

In addition, the company's US$25m fuel conversion project at the Vallemi works will allow for a greater flexibility in fuel use, permitting the use of coal and forest waste rather than the current 100 per cent fuel oil.

The investment programme will allow INC to lower production costs as well as increase its daily output from 50,000 bags to 70,000 bags. Currently, cement demand in Paraguay fluctuates between 70,000-80,000 bags per day.