Ohorongo Cement has received the first Environmental Excellence Among Industries Award hosted by the Environmental Investment Fund (EIF) of Namibia, which works in close liaison with the Ministry of Environment & Tourism and the Sustainable Development Advisory Council.

Pohamba Shifeta (left), Minister of Environment & Tourism, hands over the first Environmental Excellence

Among Industries award to Ohorongo Cement's managing director, Hans-Wilhelm Schütte

The awards ceremony is aimed at recognising and celebrating the work of companies, local authorities and individuals while promoting and demonstrating sustainable and responsible development into the core of business and industry in Namibia.

The Environmental Excellence Among Industries category mainly targeted private sector companies, parastatals and local authorities and seeks to reward the application of innovative technologies and exciting approaches, which minimise operational impacts on the environment. Energy and water efficiency are key focus areas as well as environmentally friendly approaches to the management of waste.

"Ohorongo Cement wants to thank the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, together with the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia and the Sustainable Development Advisory Council and others for placing the appropriate focus on this very important aspect of Sustainable Development," the company said in a statement.

"Ohorongo takes pride in the fact that, to name but one, its CO2 emissions are even lower than European standard requirement. However it continuously strive towards improvement through improving energy efficiencies and the cutting of waste," it added.

Ohorongo Cement operates its 0.7Mta integrated cement plant, just outside the town of Otavi. The company is planning to utilise the award to plough back into the small community of Otavi. It will liaise with the Otavi Town Council and identify an environmental community project to which the company can contribute.

Ohorongo Cement has won similar awards in the past, however, "receiving this award is a validation that the company is on the right track. Ohorongo is but an infant within a new industry, and to be bestowed with this award for Excellence Among Industries is a truly humbling experience," the company underlined.