Iran has exported cement to the value US$233m in the first seven months of the current financial year (started 20 March 2017). In terms of volumes, 7.1Mt of cement were exported to some 34 countries during this period.
Exports included US$5000 of white Portland cement to the US but Iran’s main customer was Iraq, with an offtake of cement to the value of US$64m. Smaller shipments were delivered to Afghanistan (US$46m) and Kuwait (US$23m).
In terms of products, white cement was the most-exported type of cement with a total value of US$105m. Pozzolan-based cement exports generated sales of US$16m while clinker to the value of US$95m left the country’s cement plants for foreign markets.
Iran’s cement exports have seen a significant fall in recent years as global oil prices have slumped and regional issues have affected exports.

US cement market contracts in 2024
Total shipments of Portland and blended cement (including imports) in the USA and Puerto Rico, d...