Paraguay’s Industria Nacional del Cemento (INC) has sold 10,876,593 bags of cement in the first 10 months of 2017, a drop of 17.6 per cent YoY, according to the company’s sales department.

In October, sales improved by nine per cent YoY from 982,868 bags in October 2016 to 1,075,196 bags in October 2017.

Output is estimated to have increased by around 45 per cent and sufficient to cover 75 per cent of the domestic market, according to Jorge Méndez, the company’s president.

The hike in production has been attributed to the new cement mill and pozzolana dryer at the Villeta plant. The company’s fuel conversion project is expected to be completed at the end of this year.

The INC expects to close this year with an operating profit of around PYG6000m (US$1.06m).