India’s JSW Cement has announced the completion of its expansion project at its plant in Dolvi, Maharashtra. The project has increased capacity from 1Mta to 2.2Mta, thereby lifting the company’s installed capacity to 12.6Mta.

"Our Dolvi cement unit is located closest to our customers in Maharashtra thereby ensuring that all their requirements are serviced quickly and with the freshest quality cement. It enables us to become an integral part of state's infrastructure growth story," said Parth Jindal, managing director, JSW Cement.

The company expects the completion of capacity enhancements to boost the total to 14Mta this year.

"The completion of our capacity enhancement programme at Dolvi brings us closer to achieving our overall company target of 20Mta by December 2020. We will achieve this capacity target through a combination of brownfield and greenfield projects. We are also evaluating various inorganic opportunities to further ramp up our capacity growth," added Mr Jindal.