Cement deliveries by the Swiss cement industry increased 4.8 per cent YoY to 874,275.2t in the 1Q19, according to the country’s cement association, Cemsuisse. It follows a 2.2 per cent YoY to 834,251.6t in the 1Q18.
The market expansion was driven by a 6.8 per cent rise in the sales of lower-carbon CEM II cements. The share of CEM I cements in total deliveries continued to decline to 7.9 per cent.
In addition, the share of deliveries by rail was declining with around half of deliveries made by road in the 1Q19.
Some 72.6 per cent of deliveries was delivered to ready-mixed concrete plants, 20.1 per cent to construction sites and 5.7 per cent to concrete product manufacturers.
Vietnam cement sales see modest growth in 2024
Total Vietnam cement sales, including domestic and export sales, amounted to 8.333Mt in December...