Pakistani cement producers are putting pressure on their government to convince SA to overturn the existing anti-dumping duty on imported cement from that country.
In 2018 cement imports into South Africa surged 85 per cent and has exacerbated the effect of weak economic growth, a challenging construction market, domestic overcapacity and increasing competition.
South Africa’s International Trade Administration Commission (ITAC) imposed antidumping duties on Portland cement from Pakistan with effect from May 2015. The duties range from 14.29 to 77.15 per cent.
Mohammad Rafiq Memon, chairman of the Pakistan-South Africa Business Forum, has called for the intervention of the Pakistan authorities. “Before the antidumping duty, annual cement exports to South Africa were worth US$700m, but has subsequently dropped to IS$100m,” he says. South Africa should revisit the decision to impose the anti-dumping duties in the interest of fair trade, according to Mr Memon. “This affects the bilateral relations between South Africa and Pakistan. There must be a balance. South Africa exports goods to Pakistan. Both countries should be happy with the trade relations.” He added that Pakistan’s Ministry of Commerce should send a delegation to South Africa to negotiate the reversal of the duty.
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