Ambuja Cements has appointed Neeraj Akhoury as its new managing director and chief executive officer with effect from 21 February 2020, the company said in a press release. He will succeed from Bimlendra Jha, who resigned to pursue other interests.
Mr Akhoury was previously MD and CEO of ACC Ltd and has 27 years of experience across multiple roles including sales and marketing, logistics and corporate affairs.
Mr N S Sekhsaria, Ambuja Cements’ chairman, said: "We are pleased to have Neeraj take over the position of Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. Neeraj is a cement industry veteran, has years of experience in this business in India and abroad. We are confident that Neeraj will lead Ambuja further to higher levels. We wish to respect Bimlendra's personal decision and thank him for his valuable contribution to the Company and wish him all the best for the future."
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