Austria’s energy and petrochemicals company OMV and polymers firm Borealis have signed a memorandum of understanding with Verbund and LafargeHolcim to jointly develop the “Carbon2ProductAustria” (C2PAT) project, which aims to capture almost 100 per cent of the 700,000tpa of CO2 emitted from LafargeHolcim’s cement plant in Mannersdorf.

The CO2 is expected to be transformed to renewable-based hydrocarbons, which in turn can be used to produce fuel or a feedstock to manufacture value-added plastics, according to a statement.

The project will be completed in three phases. The first includes project development, business modelling and process engineering. The second may involve the realisation of industrial pilot plants in east Austria by 2023, while the final phase would be the scaling up of the operations to the full 700,000tpa target.