India’s Ambuja Cements reported a 12 per cent YoY rise in consolidated net profit to INR5.54bn (US$73.73m) for the quarter ending 31 March, with sales volumes falling 10 per cent to 5.77Mt.

The company also noted that its greenfield expansion project at Marwar Mundwa, Rajasthan, is on schedule and expected to commence operations by next year.

Elsewhere, Ambuja Cements is set to digitise its entire supply chain to improve visibility and optimise cost going forward, announced Martin Kriegner, company director, at its AGM last Friday.

Mr Kriegner was also positive about the company’s future, despite the current disruptions.
"I would like to reiterate that we are very optimistic about our future and believe that despite the COVID-19 pandemic, our country will continue on its growth trajectory soon," he said.