Sri Lanka’s cement production in July rose 26.3 per cent YoY to 413,000t from 327,000t last year, according to the Daily Mirror. Total domestic cement production increased 4.1 per cent to 2.056Mt during the 7M20, against 1.976Mt in the comparable period of 2019.

Cement imports in July stepped down to 422,000t from 430,000t in the year-ago period.Total cement imports for the January-July period also declined 33.7 per cent YoY to 1.936Mt from 2.921Mt.

However, total consumption in July advanced 10.4 per cent to 835,000t from 756,000t in the same month last year. In the first seven months of 2020, consumption fell 18.5 per cent YoY to 3.992Mt from 4.897Mt.