Cement deliveries in Morocco fell 7.8 per cent YoY to 1,249,416t in October 2020 from 1,354,775t in October 2019, according to the Ministry of National Land Use, Urbanisation and Housing.
The ready-mix concrete and infrastructure segments in particular faced challenges. Deliveries to the ready-mix concrete segment fell by 15 per cent to 204,828t while infrastructure offtake was down 14.5 per cent YoY to 47,798t. The building segment noted a 12.9 per cent YoY drop to 53,070t. Deliveries in the retail market, the largest segment, fell 5.5 per cent YoY to 839,931t while offtake in prefabricated products was down 3.8 per cent to 103,789t.
January-October 2020
In the first 10M20 dispatches declined 12.5 per cent YoY to 9.976Mt from 11.4Mt in the year-ago period. The drop in deliveries was particularly marked in the building segment, which saw a 24.3 per cent YoY drop to 454,217t, although the ready-mix concrete sector was also significantly affected, reporting a 17.8 per cent fall in dispatches to 1.604Mt. Prefabricated products and retail posted declines of 13.5 and 11.4 per cent, respectively, with segment deliveries at 837,329t and 6.629Mt, respectively. Only infrastructure deliveries showed an increase, by 13.2 per cent YoY, to 451,275t.
Colombia's cement market contracts 8% in November
Cement dispatches in Colombia declined by 7.9 per cent YoY to 1.016Mt in November 2024 from 1.10...