Total US and Puerto Rican shipments of Portland and blended cement advanced nine per cent to 8.6Mt in November 2020 when compared with November 2019, according to the US Geological Survey (USGS). The five largest cement-consuming states – Texas, California, Florida, Ohio and Georgia – accounted for 40 per cent of deliveries. The leading producing states in November 2020 were Texas, Missouri, California, Florida and Alabama.
Masonry cement shipments totalled 178,000t in November 2020, representing a five per cent YoY increase.
Clinker production in the USA only remained stable at 7.1 per cent. The largest clinker-producing states were California, Texas, Missouri, Florida and Alabama. Domestic production was supplemented by 1.5Mt of cement and clinker, a 23 per cent increase when compared to November 2019.
January-November 2020
Portland and blended cement dispatches in the January-November 2020 period edged up to 95.3Mt when compared with the 11M19, reported the USGS. Masonry cement shipments were down two per cent YoY, falling to 2.2Mt. The largest US markets in November were Florida, Texas, California, Tennessee and North Carolina, which combined received 56 per cent of total US masonry cement deliveries.
Clinker production in the USA increased slightly to 71.9Mt in the January-November period, while cement and clinker imports for the 11M20 totalled 15.8Mt, up five per cent YoY.
US cement sales rebound in October
Total shipments of Portland and blended cement, including imports, in the US and Puerto Rico amo...