Residents of an Indonesian island threatened by rising sea levels are suing Holcim over its carbon emissions, according to TopWireNews. The island in question, Pulau Pari, depends on fishing and tourism for its economy but due to climate change large swathes of the island are expected to be submerged under water in 30 years' time, say the residents. They are now seeking compensation from Holcim for the damage they have already suffered as a result of climate change, as well as funds for flood protection, and a rapid reduction in the company's carbon emissions.

Although Holcim sold its Indonesia operations to Semen Indonesia in 2019, between 1950-2021 Holcim emitted more than 7bnt of CO2 emissions worldwide. According to Yvan Maillard Ardenti, climate expert at Swiss Church Aid (HEKS), as one of the 50 largest CO2 emitters of all companies worldwide, Holcim bears a significant part of the responsibility for the climate crisis and for the situation on the island. This will mark the first time that a Swiss company has been held legally accountable for its role in climate change, added HEKS.