Work has officially begun on the Carbon Negative Biofuels from Organic Waste (CARBIOW) project, which aims to promote the conversion of organic waste to biofuels. The 42-month project is being funded by the EU under the Horizon Europe Programme to establish an efficient and scalable process to convert organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and other hard-to-utilise solid organic wastes to biofuels.

Among its targets is the carbonisation of gasification ashes with carbon dioxide through innovative carbonation techniques to decarbonise the cement industry and address carbon negativity. It also aims to establish a new pre-treatment process of OFMSW where a cleaner, denser, carbon-rich, dry and homogenous solid biofuel is produced. A further target is the utilisation of pure oxygen (nitrogen-free gas) in combustion and gasification to produce clean syngas.

CARBIOW is a consortium made up of 12 partners from across Europe, including FeyeCon, Universiteit Maastricht and VERTORO, the Netherlands; IVL Svenska Miljoeinstitutet, Sweden; NIC, Slovenia; Svaheia Eiendom AS, Norway; Sumitomo SHI FW, Finland; Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany; VITO, Belgium; BIO-PLAT, Cementos La Cruz, and the leader, Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Spain.