The Manali Municipal Council (MC) has sent letters to the Kullu MC along with the Bhuntar and Banjar Nagar Panchayats, asking them not to send garbage to the waste treatment plant at Rangri in Manali, from 1 December, citing the excessive accumulation of waste at the local plant. Further, orders have also been issued to the company operating the plant not to accept rubbish from any other place than Manali.

Manali MC Executive Officer (EO), Mr BR Negi, said  even nearby panchayats had been asked to resolve the menace of garbage at their own level. “Of the 40,000t of waste from the RDF plant at Rangri, 6100t is being sent to the UltraTech Cement Co at Baga in Solan district,” Mr Negi said.

A proposal is also underway to receive a 4t composter near Kullu to deal with the excess waste. Places to treat garbage in Bhuntar and Banjar are being identified. 

In addition, Mr Negi said that the MC had also sought a grant from the Urban Development Department and the administration to remove the waste. After the Manali MC’s decision, it is feared that the crisis regarding waste accumulation in Kullu, Bhuntar and Banjar may escalate.