Cement sales in Puerto Rico declined 8.5 per cent YoY to 1.2m bags of 94lb, or 51,165t, in April 2023, according to the country’s Institute of Statistics. However, in May 2023 the market expanded by 5.7 per cent YoY to 1.4m bags, or 59,693t.
In the year-to-date, approximately 6.4m bags of cement have been sold in Puerto Rico. This represents a volume of 272,881t, up 0.6 per cent YoY when compared with the January-May 2022 period.
Output from domestic cement plants was down 10.1 per cent YoY in April 2023 to 634,000 bags, or 27,049t. Production increased by 13.4 per cent YoY in May 2023 to 873,400 bags, or 37,240t.
US cement sales rebound in October
Total shipments of Portland and blended cement, including imports, in the US and Puerto Rico amo...