Cement deliveries in Switzerland declined 8.2 per cent YoY to 1,049,481t in the second quarter of 2023 from 1,143,153t in the 2Q22, according to cemsuisse, the national cement association.
In the first half of the year, cement deliveries decreased by nine per cent YoY to 1,904,624t from 2,093,709t in the 1H22. Of this total, 1,843,798t, or 96.8 per cent of total deliveries, of cement was supplied in bulk while 60,827t (3.2 per cent) was delivered as bagged cement. Buyers showed preference for lower-carbon types of cement, which had a 95.8 per cent market share.
Distribution by rail accounted for 37.5 per cent of total deliveries as road transport remained the most important distribution method, accounting for a 62.5 per cent share. When compared with the 1H22, when road transport accounted for 64 per cent, this represents a slight shift to rail transport.
In terms of end-markets, with an off-take of 1,282,571t ready-mix concrete companies represented the largest share, at 72.6 per cent of domestic deliveries, followed by construction companies (20.9 per cent or 398,748t) and concrete products (4.7 per cent or 88,799t). The retail sector purchased 3840t, or 0.2 per cent in the 1H23.
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