A joint committee of National Green Tribunal (NGT) has reported environmental compliance lapses at Adani Group’s ACC Ltd Barmana cement Works (Gagal), Himachal Pradesh, India.
The committee observed dust emissions from clinker, ash, and cement silos as inadequate, measures to protect against accidental discharges. The report also cited insufficient protection for local residence against dust and no mechanism to remove oil and grease from water waste after truck washing. Furthermore, the plant did not have a three-layer tree plantation system which has been mandated to counter air and noise pollution.
The report highlighted the installation of 11 air pollution control devices, including 109 bag filters and two ESP devices. The plant has been operating at 25 per cent utilisation during its annual maintenance shutdown. Mining and crushing operations are currently silent.
There will be a tribunal bout the pollution from the plant after a local Barmana resident alleged airborne dust from the plant was contaminating roads and pathways, reports the Times of India.