Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk (Heidelberg Materials group) inaugurated the cooperation for the delivery of refuse derived fuel (RDF) produced by BUMdes Gunung Putri Village, Bogor Regency on 21 February 2025 at Balai Graha Mandiri, Gunung Putri Village. The event was attended by Indocement Corporate Secretary, Dani Handajani, the company's CSR Manager, Gadang Wardhono, the head of Gunung Putri Village, Daman Huri and other invited guests.
Gunung Putri Village is one of partner villages of Indocement's Citeureup plant. The cooperation between Indocement and the partner village plays an important role in the progress and achievements at the national and international levels achieved by Gunung Putri Village. Gunung Putri Village has also become a study location for 66 districts and cities in Indonesia and Malaysia.