International Cement Review articles tagged under : Market Reports

03 October 2016

India prepares for the upturn

India's monsoon season has passed and cement demand has begun to pick up.

21 September 2016

UK cement after Brexit

The UK cement industry is adapting to life post-Brexit and a new ownership structure for some producers.

05 September 2016

Egypt sets out on a new course

Egypt's government is calling for new cement capacity, but existing producers are hurriedly completing fuel conversion projects.

17 August 2016

India: reason for optimism?

ICR reports on the Indian cement market in the 1Q16. Mergers and acquisitions are giving a new shape to the market, while producers are starting to optimise their distribution centres ahead of the monsoon season.

Ecuador: a challenging recovery 12 August 2016

Ecuador: a challenging recovery

Ecuador has had a difficult year with earthquakes and the fall of oil prices, but its need to expand its infrastructure is expected to fuel growth in its cement consumption base.

20 July 2016

Turkey eyes export markets

The TÇMB expects the Turkish cement market to grow but ongoing capacity expansions will mean domestic producers must develop their export markets.

West Africa powers up 04 July 2016

West Africa powers up

Producers in Senegal, Ghana and Nigeria are ramping up production while seeking adequate power supply. Meanwhile, Côte d'Ivoire prepares to be the next star pupil.

22 June 2016

Brazil’s balancing act

LAFIS outlines why Brazil's cement sector has slowed.

21 June 2016

SE Asia towards oversupply?

The Jakarta Advisory Group provides a regional overview of southeast Asia and the leading cement markets.

13 June 2016

Vietnam's new Master Plan

StoxPlus reviews how the Vietnam government has changed its strategy to rebalance supply and demand.

25 May 2016

The Mediterranean and beyond

DSG Consultants reviews cement in the Mediterranean.

03 May 2016

Global headwinds hinder US

There is plenty of reason for optimism in the United States as its economy is making progress, underpinned by sound job creation, low inflation and healthy consumer sentiment. However, it is not immune from the wider...

29 April 2016

Can China bounce back?

DBS Vickers outlines China's measures to drive economic growth and reports on the cement sector's challenges.

14 April 2016

Iran: a new era?

Iran is free from international economic sanctions and is ready to be a major force in the cement world.

29 March 2016

Russia: waiting for a thaw

PMR's report on the Russian cement industry cautions on the likelihood of overcapacity in future years.

07 March 2016

Philippines: redefining the future?

The Philippine cement sector has been redrawn with new players and strong prospects for a bright future.