Lafarge Cement is to increase its tyre burning at its Cauldon plant by over 50 per cent to a maximum of 900 tyres per...
HeidelbergCement is jointly funding the construction of a modern, environmentally-friendly cement works in Guangzhou,...
Lafarge Beocinska Fabrika Cementa, Serbia, placed an order with KHD Humboldt Wedag AG for modernisation and upgrading...
Saveh White Cement Co, a partly state-owned Iranian enterprise, has placed an order with FLSmidth for two production ...
The Business Council of New York State has backed the proposal of St Lawrence Cement to close its existing Catskill, ...
In an effort to reduce the number of tyres dumped in the Brazilian countryside, the government has stipulated that ty...
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality has issued a draft air-quality permit to Holcim Inc. The company appl...
Holcim (Slovensko) a.s., part of Holcim Group, has placed an order with FLSmidth A/S for modernisation and upgrading ...
Blue Circle Southern Cement Ltd, Australia has placed an additional order with Humboldt Wedag Australia Pty ltd as ge...
Haver & Boecker and Beumer have won contracts for a new silo and a new packing plant for Sean Quinn Cement in Ireland...