Here in our plant, the set-up to fed for AFR(rice hull) is at the kiln inlet section rather than on the same as the b...
Hi everyone, What are the usual steps to be made when a cement plant decides to reduce it's carbon footprint just lik...
Hi everyone, What are the usual steps to be made when a cement plant decides to reduce it's carbon footprint just lik...
What is the common practice in the industry in calcining shale when incorporated in the process line?
In our plant sir Ted we are not using the typical burnt shale but the fresh quarried shale as simply a replacement of...
In our
This has happened already for quite a number of samples.
Thanks Sir Ted. How is the alkali content of clinker related to the formation of soft lumps?
Hi everyone, I would just like to know how to attend to customer complaints, i.e sop's. Recently, we have recieve a c...
Hi everyone, Has there been studies regarding the effect of shale as sole additive or shale+limestone on the quality ...