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Material and Heat Balance for Clinkering

Do you have any equations for mat and heat balance for clinkering?

Re: Cement Strength

Very well explained Ted. Thank God.

Re: SO3

May be this one..:DWhat contributes to the so3 content of raw mix..

Re: Physical Appearances of Clinker and Its Implications

Yeah..color,texture etc. Ted. and their implications.

Re: Clinker Stored in an Open Yard

How about the quality of the clinker, in what way can it be affected?

Re: Role of methanol in free lime test

ah..ok..In the absence of the a stirrer we are using silica sand to facilitate mixing by manual shaking,is this okay...


How to control SO3 in raw mix and cement(if possible)?

Physical Appearances of Clinker and Its Implications

Do you have any documents regarding this matter?  

Re: Clinker Stored in an Open Yard

Prior to storage fCao is only 1.98 several days after it was placed in our open yard fCaO rose to 3.57 that was after...

Re: Role of methanol in free lime test

Ted, We are using the glycol method and we do not directly boil the solution. We are just subjecting it to steam fo...
