can you send chemical analysis of all raw materials including the fuel (Ash analysis). where the return dust is ta...
increase the mill draft and adjusting Re - circulation fan RPM.(generally increasing RPM)
what is the loss of Pozzolana, Clinker & what is the percentage if gypsum addition & its purity?
Hello, Followings are ponts are to be looked after: 1. Is clinker is same for all cement lines? If different...
For calculating C3S in OPC a factor for SO3/Gypsum correction comes into picture. so modified C3S formula for OPC ...
Sir, please send me too at
Hello Ted, Thanks for your suggestion. As you said, there is no significant increase in the Alkalis and Chlorid...
Hello Ted, In our case, SO3 in the hot meal has increased from 1.0 to 1.9, but SO3 in clinker is normal. I too ...
Hello Chari Sir, Pls send me a copy of the book as am madly searching over the internet
Hello Dear, Can you plz send me the file, as the link posted by you is not respondig