This document might answer most of your questions:
Dear Cement Viet Nam, I attached here an Excel file (it is zipped). This file shows how the composition of a mixtur...
Dear calahan, I have no explanation for the correlations observed in your file. I think it is difficult to reach c...
Dear calahan, I have no explanation for the correlations observed in your file. I think it is difficult to reach c...
Dear calahan, I would like to know how the c3s and c2s were obtained in your data file. Were these measured by XRD ...
Gie, I usually recommend the nist database: The funny thing is ...
hendyalheety, Of course it makes sense to deduct free CaO before evaluating c3s. However, in the end, it depends on...
I guess this could be measured as usually based on the particle size distribution (PSD) of the separator feed, produ...
Hello, In Cement Chemistry by Taylor (table 7.5), the heat of full hydration of c3s and c2s are given as respecti...
fjalali, When editing your post, you can add attachments. Excel files with your data as well as drawing would be us...