Dastgir, I think that pages 33-35-36-... in Taylor are giving suggestions to understand what happens. The three c...
Dastgir, Remember the origin the Bogue calculation. This calculation is based on the hypothesis that the main oxide...
wilfredzieri, Regarding your point (b), the increased gas temperature is mainly due the generally higher flue gener...
assuming 8000 h operation per year, 172 t/h means 1 376 000 t/year an economy of 105 kcal/kg means 105 * 1 376 000 ...
As a quick guess, I would be inclined to say that the calcination rate would be the same, that is the same quantity ...
For the fun again, here is what happens if there is an autocorrelation in A(t): V(B) = x²*V(A) + y²*V(B) + 2*x*...
Note: the last equation is not the "variance reduction" it is reduction of the standard deviation.
Hi, I just realized my questions were based on a mistake. Assuming the fresh meal composition is a pure (uncorrelat...
Hello, The best way to express what I think is to ask you another question: How do you define the standard devia...
You will find that explained in any textbook. This one for example can be read on-line: Problem Solver, Thermodynam...