Cement News tagged under: Alternative Fuels

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Materials & quality: 30 years on

10 July 2018, Published under Cement News

The development of new cement types and demands on fuels as well as changes in process requirements have led to key changes in cement production over the last three decades. New raw materials and alternative fuels have given rise to new cement standards. Alternative raw materials increasingly reduce the need for virgin materials The cement Industry in 2018 has been through a long period of soul searching and reorganisation which has involved multiple changes in ownership and adj...

Meftah holds co-processing trials

03 July 2018, Published under Cement News

GICA subsidiary SCMI-Meftah has been carrying out co-processing trials using sludge, waste oils and sorted household waste in its Meftah works in Algeria. "These technological test operations were a success in all respects, as they fully respected the test protocol developed by the project-SCIM team as well as the safety and process procedures," said Adel Haddoud, the company’s director general. Further tests are planned to enable the use of these alternative fuels while maintaining cemen...

Alternative fuels in a nutshell

29 June 2018, Published under Cement News

Since April 2015 Binh Phuoc Cement has partly replaced the fuel supply at its coal-fired cement plant with cashew nut shells in a project that not only makes operations at the plant more sustainable, but also helps the Vietnamese province dispose of a key agricultural waste. By Ha Tien 1 Cement JSC, Vietnam. Binh Phuoc Cement is helping Vietnam’s largest cashew processing province dispose of some 60 per cent of its cashew nut shell waste Part of Ha Tien 1 Cement Joint Stock C...

PT Indocement

28 June 2018, Published under Cement News

PT Indocement is one of four companies approached by Indonesia’s Environment and Foresty Ministry to burn excess untreated medical waste. Since the closure of two of the country’s six medical waste companies last year, waste material from over 3000 health facilities has been left unmanaged. PT Indocement, along with PT Holcim Indonesia, PT Semen Padang and PT Cemindo Gemilang, has been asked to burn the waste within six months. However, as some of the waste contains infectious material, c...

Burning used tyres

24 May 2018, Published under Cement News

One way of reducing the fossil fuel requirement in clinker production is through the use of alternative fuels (AFs). Walter Materials handling, part of the ATS Group, looks at one plant that has invested in the burning of end-of-life tyres to reduce its thermal energy costs, lower its CO 2 emissions and tackle tyre disposal issues. By Basri Ogut, Walter Materials handling, France. LafargeHolcim invested in an end-of-life tyre project at its Martres-Tolosane plant in France ...

Alternative fuels and clinker crystal characteristics

30 April 2018, Published under Cement News

Arthur Harrisson examines the effect of alternative fuel use on the characteristics of crystals present in clinker.  Figure 1: difference in alite quantity measured by microscopy and the Bogue calculation when burning increasing quantities of PSP Some four years ago an article was published in International Cement Review about the microscopic effects due to the use of alternative fuels (AFs). 1 In the intervening years the author has examined some 200 clinker sampl...

Vassiliko Cement in talks to take SRF/RDF waste

23 April 2018, Published under Cement News

The Water Development Department (WDD) in Cyprus is in talks with Vassiliko Cement Works to use byproducts generated at the municipal waste treatment plant at Pentakomo as alternative fuels as an alternative to landfill. The government would have to pay Vassiliko to take in the SRF/RDF sludge, reported the Cyprus Mail. Vassiliko has requested additional sample analyses of the byproduct to determine whether the RDF/SRF mix suits its needs. The WDD said that it might be possible for the P...

Actions not words

20 April 2018, Published under Cement News

Climate change is one of the key issues of our time, but the world is far from achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement. Like every energy and CO2-intensive sector, the global cement industry is at a crossroads. The solution will require mapping out and implementing a tangible plan of action if we are to have any chance of accelerating the pace of decarbonisation. By Bernard Mathieu, World Cement Association, UK. Figure 1: the global risks landscape 2018 According to the ...

Increased demand for alternative fuel in Egypt

11 April 2018, Published under Cement News

Egypt’s Minister of Environment, Khaled Fahmy, has opened a cement production line at Arabian Cement Co’s facility in Ain Sokhna, Suez, that uses Hot Disk technology for alternative fuel production from recycled waste, according to Watani. At the opening, Dr Fahmy noted that now waste is being used as a source of alternative fuel, a new system of efficient collection and handling needs to be put in place. Since the rise in coal prices, there has been an increased demand for alternative fu...

LafargeHolcim treated 10Mt of waste in 2017

28 March 2018, Published under Cement News

LafargeHolcim’s global waste treatment arm, Geocycle, treated 10Mt of waste in 2017, an increase of 13 per cent YoY. The company co-processed many different types of waste, including shredded industrial waste, spent solvents, used tyres and sewage sludge, according to a press release. "Sustainable building and living are key to the future and we are committed to playing an important role as the demand for sustainable construction solutions and sustainable buildings and infrastructure cont...