Cement News tagged under: Argos

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Argos to collect 5000 waste tyres per month in Honduras

24 November 2021, Published under Cement News

Colombia’s Argos will collect around 5000 waste tyres per month in Choluteca, Honduras, and transport them to Comayagua for disposal at its Piedras Azules cement plant. Cementos Argos is working with Fundesur and Fundación HERCO to successfully launch the Responsible Management of Waste Tyres programme in Choluteca. The three organisations expect to remove more than 60,000 tyres in the first year of the programme, which has the support of MiAmbiente, the Secretary of Health and the Municip...

Argos recycles 180t of bags in 2021

23 November 2021, Published under Cement News

Through its Sacos Verdes (Green Bags) programme, Colombia-based cement producer Argos has recycled around 180t of cement packaging in 2021, the equivalent to stop cutting more than 1770 trees and saving more than 14,000m3 of water, or the daily supply of 83,000 people. Vehicles that supply materials to customers return to Argos with empty cement sacks in a reverse logistics system. After cleaning and processing, the empty cement and aggregates bags are used as raw materials in other indust...

Argos implements simulation model for bulk cement supply

19 November 2021, Published under Cement News

At the eighth annual Simulation Conference organised by the Anylogic   software company, Argos (Argos Group) shared its model for the  optimised supply of bulk cement that it has been developing for its  terminals in the Caribbean region. This simulation is a key tool to avoid delays in the rotation of resources  and to optimise the capacity of the ships and other methods of operation that allow the efficient delivery of cement inventory in some markets where the company operates. "...

Argos commits to new 2030 CO2 emission targets

26 October 2021, Published under Cement News

On 25 October 2021 Argos held a climate change webinar in which it committed to reduce its CO 2 emissions by 29 per cent in its cement plants by 2030. In just over the last decade, the company has already reduced its CO 2 emissiosn by 14 per cent from its baseline. By 2050, Argos will offer carbon-neutral concrete, aligned with the Net Zero ambition plan of the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA).  The Colombia-based cement producer will achieve its new targets by maximising w...

CO2 to biofuels at Argos

20 September 2021, Published under Cement News

To address the urgency of the climate crisis, a wide range of CCUS technology pathways are being explored by the cement industry. One of these options is the use of microalgae to capture CO 2 and transform it into valuable products. Over the past 10 years, Argos has been researching and scaling up the use of microalgae. Recently, the company has been testing a group of technologies to capture CO 2 directly from the cement plant smokestack using photobioreactors (PBRs) and transform the res...

Colombia's tax change may impact Argos valuation

30 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Colombia's Congressional Economic Committees have voted in support of the tax change proposed by Iván Duque's government, a step that could impact the valuation of domestic cement producer Argos, according to a report by UBS. The project, also known as social investment, targets an additional COP15.2bn (US$3.97m) to the state purse and UBS research expects a 35 per cent increase in corporate taxes and a 38 per cent in financial sector taxes. While the tax change is expected to improve Colo...

Argos records 1H21 cement shipments of 8.6Mt

12 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Argos recorded cement shipments of 8.6Mt in the 1H21, an increase of 26.9 per cent compared to the 1H20. The advance was supported by the performance of the group in the USA, the Caribbean and Central America, as well as having a low comparison base. Consolidated revenues reached US$1.3bn, up 11 per cent compared to the 1H20. Likewise, EBITDA rose by 29.9 per cent to US$266.7m. EBITDA margin , excluding the profits on the sale of concrete assets, reached a record of 20.3 per cent, the hig...

Cementos Argos achieves ‘outstanding’ FTSE4Good recognition

02 August 2021, Published under Cement News

Argos, (Grupo Argos) is the only Colombian company on the FTSE4Good Sustainability Index to achieve an outstanding listing in its category for its environmental, social, governance (ESG) practices among North American, European and Asian organisations.  The companies are evaluated on more than 150 indicators that cover topics such as efficient use of water, climate change, biodiversity, health and safety, labour standards, human rights and communities, fiscal transparency, corporate gover...

Virtual IEEE-IAS/PCA event

13 July 2021, Published under Cement News

The 63rd IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference was held on 24-28 May 2021 as a virtual event, consisting of training workshops, technical conference, international exhibition and three plant tours. ICR, a media sponsor for the event, took part in the virtual conference and followed the presentations remotely to deliver this report. CIC Chair, Chris Macey, opens the virtual IEEE-IAS/PCA event, held on 24-28 May 2021 Chris Macey, CIC chair, opened the main conference s...

Newberry plant sets two new records

12 July 2021, Published under Cement News

Argos has announced that in June 2021 its Newberry plant in Florida, USA, smashed two previous records. It produced 140,421t, beating the previous record set in June 2019 (127,800t) by nearly 20,000t. Because of this increase in production, the plant was also able to ship 128,728t of product to customers and its ready-mix plants, beating the previous record of 120,900t, set in 2019, by more than 7000t. "Everyone at the Newberry plant is excited and proud to see these records being set. W...