Cement News tagged under: Argos

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Argos recognised as top innovation company

21 August 2020, Published under Cement News

Argos has achieved fourth place from 242 entrants in the annual measurement carried out by the Colombian National Association of Entrepreneurs (ANDI), in alliance with the Dinero Magazine. The accolade places Argos as one of the most innovative companies in Colombia. Among the achievements that Argos has been credited for is the generation of more than 25 per cent of its income from innovation, the start-up of the new clay thermal activation line for the production of green cement, and ...

Argos launches ECO Multiproposito in Honduras

10 August 2020, Published under Cement News

Colombian cement producer Argos has launched its ECO Multiproposito cement in Honduras. The product is a general-purpose cement that thanks to sustainable production processes lowers CO 2 emissions by 40 per cent. Energy for the production process at the company’s Comayagua plant is sourced from a solar power array that it inaugurated at the start of 2020. The new product is said to be the first environmentally-friendly cement sold in the country, reports Esmerk Latin American News.

Argos achieves revenues of COP2.1trn in 2Q20

06 August 2020, Published under Cement News

From April to June 2020, Argos, part of Grupo Argos, reported revenues of COP2.1trn (US$553.5m), which represents a contraction of 9.1 per cent compared to the same quarter of last year. These figures were caused in part by lower volumes associated with lockdowns and the mandatory closings of operations in many markets. Argos partially offset the decrease in volumes thanks to the resilience of the construction industry in the USA and the exchange rate of the Colombian peso, which continued...

Argos delivers masks and biosafety kits

17 July 2020, Published under Cement News

Argos has been delivering 23,000 face masks to construction and hardware customers throughout Colombia as well as biosafety kits to business customers. The biosafety kits consist of thermometers and floor charts, for social distancing, and a digital application to monitor health conditions at points of sale to prevent the spread of COVID-19. "At Argos we have the firm intention of being the best allies to our customers," said Tomás Restrepo, vice president of Argos Colombia region.

Argos makes top 5 in FTSE4Good World Index for corporate governance in construction sector

03 July 2020, Published under Cement News

Argos has been chosen as one of the top five companies in the world in the construction materials sector with the best corporate governance, environmental and social management practices, by the FTSE4Good World Index. "We are very proud to receive this recognition that highlights our teamwork and the great achievements we have obtained as a company in managing sustainability and creating value," said Maria Isabel Echeverri, legal and sustainability vice president at Argos.

Argos records revenues of COP2.2trn in 1Q20

06 May 2020, Published under Cement News

In the first three months of 2020, Argos (Grupo Argos) reported revenues of COP2.2trn (US$5.6bn), a figure that remains stable when compared to 2019. EBITDA, including the effect of IFRS16, was COP343bn, decreasing one per cent when compared to the same quarter of the previous year. During the period, the total volume of cement dispatched reached 3.6Mt, down 6.1 per cent, and ready-mix volumes fell 10.7 per cent to 2.1Mm 3 . "In general, the results were impacted mainly because of the clo...

Argos reports 11% rise in revenues in 2019

23 March 2020, Published under Cement News

On a consolidated basis, Colombia-based cement producer Argos reported an 11.4 per cent increase in revenues and a 14.3 per cent increase in EBITDA during 2019. The year ended satisfactorily with advances of 11.4 per cent in revenues and 14.3 per cent in EBITDA. Operations in the USA saw significant volume growth and prices in Colombia and the Caribbean recovered. The Central America region maintains conjunctural difficulties in Honduras and Panama, which was offset to some extent by the ...

Argos recycled more than 1m bags in Colombia

10 February 2020, Published under Cement News

Colombia-based cement producer Argos recycled more than one million bags of cement last year, thanks to the Green Sacks Programme, which sees a more sustainable production line. “Between 2013, the start date of the programme, and 2019, we have recycled 808t of paper thanks to the return of more than five million bags, thus avoiding the cutting down of more than 8000 trees and saving about 64,000m3 of water, equivalent to 26 Olympic swimming pools,” said David Restrepo, the company’s supply...

Argos receives the Gold Class distinction in the RobecoSAM Yearbook

04 February 2020, Published under Cement News

After being recognised as one of the most sustainable cement companies in the world by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, thanks to its best practices in social, environmental and economic initiatives, Cementos Argos was honoured by RobecoSAM, an international investment company with a specific focus on sustainability investments, with the Gold Class award in its 2020 Sustainability Yearbook.  This distinction recognses that Argos has a strong, on-going commitment to matters such as the d...

Two Argos plants receive Wildlife Habitat Council Conservation Certification

15 January 2020, Published under Cement News

Argos' (Grupo Argos) Atlanta and Newberry cement plants have achieved the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) Conservation Certification. The company had to demonstrate that they have a meaningful wildlife habitat management and conservation education programme, provide third-party credibility, produce an aggregated metric for reporting and demonstrate a long-term commitment to managing quality habitat for wildlife, conservation education and community outreach initiatives. As part of their c...