Cement News tagged under: Bamburi Cement

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Bamburi Cement suspends plans to switch to solar power

18 December 2017, Published under Cement News

Bamburi Cement has put its plans to switch to solar power on hold, reports Standard Digital. The high cost of the project has left the company to resort to other methods to reduce its rising energy expenses, such as using waste tyres for fuel.  Bamburi Cement spends KES2.4bn (US$23.2m) annually on electricity to run its two plants in Mombasa and Nairobi. These figures make it the second-highest consumer of electricity in Kenya. To reduce that power usage by a significant factor, the compa...

Bamburi Cement launches seasonal driver improvement programme

07 December 2017, Published under Cement News

Bamburi Cement has begun a pre-Christmas campaign to improve driver safety. Over 1200 drivers and 1,000 bodaboda operators are set to benefit from the training that will be offered during the campaign. The campaign's caravan was waved off from the company's Mombasa plant based in Bamburi on Tuesday, and will stop at identified locations in the coastal city before proceeding to Mariakani, Voi, Mtito Andei, Makindu, Sultan Hamud, Salama, Masimba, Machakos Junction, Athi River (Mlolongo) and ...

Bamburi Cement appoints new interim CEO

06 October 2017, Published under Cement News

Bamburi Cement of Kenya has appointed chief financial officer Eric Kironde as its interim CEO following the departure of Bruno Pescheux. Pescheux stepped down from the role at the end of last month after a three-year stint in charge of Bamburi, opting to retire according to Chairman John Simba. "We would like to recognise the contribution of Bruno Pescheux and thank him for his leadership. We wish him a long and happy retirement," he said. The company will now look to Eric Kironde to ma...

Bamburi posts decline in half-year profit

29 August 2017, Published under Cement News

Bamburi Cement posted a 36 per cent decline in its half-year net profit to KES1.8bn (US$17.4m) compared to a KES2.8bn recorded in the first six months of 2016. Turnover stood at KES17.5bn which is KES1.6bn behind prior year while operating profit reduced from KES4.1bn to KES2.7bn. Management attributed the decline to a difficult business environment in Kenya characterised by a contracting market, low private sector investment resulting in a slump in construction activity, especially in ...

Bamburi gears up for grinding expansion

13 July 2017, Published under Cement News

Bamburi Cement is set to start expansion of its Athi River grinding plant in Kenya next month, wth a senior executive saying that it has completed pre-construction preparation for the project. “In January we embarked on this 18-month project to construct a new cement grinding line at Athi River, and with civil works currently underway, structural work is set to commence next month,” Managing Director, Bruno Pescheux, said in a statement yesterday. The expansion of the plant is aimed at ...

Kenya: Bamburi appoints three women to all-male board

16 March 2017, Published under Cement News

Bamburi Cement has appointed three women as directors to its previously all-male board. Appointees include former Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Commissioner for Domestic Taxes, Alice Owuor, Rita Kavashe, chief executive of General Motors East Africa (GMEA) and Equity Group Foundation’s managing director, Dr Hellen Gichohi. The female directors now represent 30 per cent of the cement manufacturer’s board that previously comprised of just seven men after two female directors (deputy Cent...

Kenya: Bamburi Cement profits flat for 2016

10 March 2017, Published under Cement News

LafargeHolcim subsidiary Bamburi Cement earned KES5.89bn (US$57.4m) in after tax profits in 2016, up just 0.3 per cent on the previous year, reports the Star newspaper. The company stressed that operating profits had shown a more robust performance, rising by eight per cent to KES7.9bn. Turnover was down 2.9 per cent, but production costs fell faster, dropping by seven per cent to KES24.8bn. “Overall, there was a marginal reduction in volumes into inland Africa export markets and in...

Kenya: cement consumption falls 5.3% in 3Q16

04 January 2017, Published under Cement News

The growth in cement consumption fell by 5.3 per cent in the third quarter of 2016 compared to 3Q15, according to a report from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS). The KNBS data shows that the domestic market consumed 1.52Mt of cement in the three months to September 2016, compared to 1.45Mt in the same period in 3Q15 and 1.3Mt in 3Q14. The decline in cement demand was in line with a general slowdown in the construction sector. Lower demand from major infrastructure p...

CBMI awarded two LafargeHolcim contracts

15 December 2016, Published under Cement News

CBMI has signed two contracts with LafargeHolcim for the supply of 1Mta and 0.8Mta grinding facilities in Kenya (Nairobi) and Uganda (Tororo), respectively. The projects will be managed by LafargeHolcim subsidiaries in the respective countries, Bamburi Cement Co (Kenya) and Hima Cement Ltd (Uganda). The scope of supply will cover clinker feeding to cement packing to shipping. The contract period for both projects is 17.5 months for completion of industrial tests and 19 months to reach ...

Kenya: Bamburi Cement and Geocycle form partnership

16 November 2016, Published under Cement News

Bamburi Cement (LafargeHolcim Group) and a global waste management firm have signed an agreement for alternative fuels. Geocycle will help Bamburi Cement that will see the firm's Kenyan subsidiary Geocycle Kenya incinerate waste in Bamburi's kilns. Bamburi Chief Executive Officer, Bruno Pescheux, described the partnership as timely considering that Geocycle's waste management solution leaves no residue after disposal. This also makes Geocycle Kenya the only waste managing firm in the co...