Cement News tagged under: Canada

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Canada, Ontario infrastructure plan boosts cement outlook

06 April 2012, Published under Cement News

Confirmation that the Ontario, Canada government will maintain its commitment to a $35bn 3-year infrastructure spend has been welcomed by the Cement Association of Canada. "We recognize that Ontario faces significant economic challenges and we applaud the government for acknowledging the critical importance of maintaining a high level of infrastructure investment during this difficult economic time," said Michael McSweeney, President and CEO of the Cement Association of Canada. Infrast...

St Marys Cement battle with Ontario government, Canada

16 March 2012, Published under Cement News

St Marys Cement Inc of Canada said in a press release Thursday it may call Ontario Environment Minister James Bradley as a witness in the judicial review of a decision by the provincial government to deny it permission to operate an aggregate quarry north of Hamilton. The Daily Commercial News report that the cement firm’s US parent company has challenged the federal government under the North American Free Trade Agreement. The company is also appealing to the Ontario Divisional Cou...

St Marys Cement to pilot new CO2 absorption system

25 January 2012, Published under Cement News

Toronto-based Pond Biofuels is piloting a new CO2 absorption system at St Marys Cement, Canada. The new equipment will cut greenhouse gases by absorbing dirty stack emissions to grow algae which can subsequently be used in oil production, converted into biodiesel and bioplastics or act as a renewable coal substitute. “Algal biomass can produce the same amount of energy as the equivalent amount of coal, and can be refined to produce higher grade fuels such as diesel and ethanol among ot...

Canada's sustainable goals

20 October 2011, Published under Cement News

Canada’s cement industry is well established and is a home to many of the global producers. While production has dipped in recent years, modernisation is on the minds of plant owners. Tougher environmental legislation has been introduced south of the border and Canadian producers are seeking to improve their carbon footprints in several ways.   Canada’s political fragility is causing some alarm for many economists as the country continues to see its government under pressure. Pr...