Cement News tagged under: Environmental

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Irish Cement to reduce fossil fuel use, plans WHR project

01 March 2017, Published under Cement News

Irish Cement is currently preparing to replace fossil fuels at its Platin works in Co Meath, Ireland. The project started with a planning application to Meath County Council in November 2015, and will shortly be lodged with An Bord Pleanála for decision. At present, a series of public information briefing sessions is scheduled to take place between 2-4 March 2017. The application is for planning permission and for a review of the industrial emission licence in Platin to allow for ...

Ireland: council to monitor Irish Cement Mungret emissions

01 March 2017, Published under Cement News

Limerick City and County Council is to set up a station to monitor the air quality near the Irish Cement plant in Mungret. The move comes ahead of a planned demonstration in opposition to the firm’s plans to use tyres and plastics at its site instead of fossil fuels to produce cement. Irish Cement stated that due to the fact that the burning will take place at such a high temperature (1500˚C) there will not be an increase in emissions into the air. The proposals, the firm added, will lead...

Holcim to invest EUR900,000+ in Carboneras in 2017

24 February 2017, Published under Cement News

Holcim has earmarked EUR900,000 to carry out a series of capex projects in 2017 at its Carboneras plant in Spain. Projects will include a system for collecting and treating rainwater and improve the roofing on some material storage areas. In 2016 the Carboneras works has invested more than EUR120,000 in various initiative to reduce its environmental impact and in best-available practice technology, including the installation of a new wastewater treatment plant, optimisation of bulk handli...

UK: Quinn Cement seeks sustainable future

24 February 2017, Published under Cement News

To achieve a more sustainable manufacturing process and further decrease imported fossil fuel consumption, Quinn Cement has adopted the use of alternative fuels from local residual waste materials to co-fuel production. The introduction of solid recovered fuel (SRF) into the manufacturing process has already begun, with the potential for the company to reduce its use of coal by up to 50 per cent annually. The end result is a saving of 1t CO 2 /1t SRF used. This successful transition to ...

USA: fire at LafargeHolcim Hagerstown plant

22 February 2017, Published under Cement News

According to several local news sources, approximately 100 firefighters worked to extinguish a conveyor belt fire at LafargeHolcim’s cement plant in Hagerstown, USA. It is unclear in which part of the facility the conveyor belt caught fire. No injuries resulted from the fire. Local Fire Department Deputy Chief, Adam Hopkins: "We had an overloaded conveyor belt catch fire and burn. The fire was difficult to access and required extensive work to access." The firefighters did not have ade...

Lithuania’s waste targets under scrutiny as government ponders CHP decision

17 February 2017, Published under Cement News

The Lithuanian Parliament Committee on Environment Protection has suggested that the Government should adopt a final decision on the construction of waste-fuelled combined heat and power (CHP) plants in Vilnius and Kaunas only after the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy is adopted, scheduled to be at the end of the year.  The committee also advised that the government should carry out additional projections on waste volumes available by 2030. Alternative waste treatment options, inc...

Cembureau welcomes European Parliament's approach to EU-ETS policymaking

16 February 2017, Published under Cement News

Cembureau has reponded to this week's vote in Strasbourg by the European Parliament, welcoming its decision not to deliberately discriminate between sectors and to apply a fact-based approach to policymaking on the EU-ETS post-2020 bill. Cembureau said the proposals adopted by MEPs go some way to developing an EU-ETS, which combines the goals of making Europe’s industry more CO 2 efficient, while maintaining its competitiveness. Cembureau welcomes, in particular: • The inclusion of dynamic...

LafargeHolcim to host innovation start-ups

10 February 2017, Published under Cement News

LafargeHolcim has launched a plan to scale up its access to innovative construction solutions through collaborating with entrepreneurs. The Start-Up Accelerator will offer young companies on-site accommodation and the use of the facilities at the Group's Research & Development Center in Lyon, France, to develop, test, and market their solutions in construction and urban planning. Group Head of Growth & Innovation at LafargeHolcim, Gérard Kuperfarb, said: "With the Start-up Accelerator we ...

USA: Cupertino plant under pressure to reduce noise

10 February 2017, Published under Cement News

The Lehigh Southwest Cupertino cement plant was noise tested for 25 days in October and only recorded one day with higher readings than expected. The results were shared during a city council meeting on 24 Jan. City staff presented the council with findings from a city noise monitoring study that was done continuously 3-28 Oct 2016, at two residential locations near the facility in California. The results did not sway many residents in attendance at the meeting, many of whom said more need...

Sustainable vision supported by thyssenkrupp at Cotec meeting

10 February 2017, Published under Cement News

At the 11th Cumbre de Cotec Europa, an event hosted by the Cotec Foundation, thyssenkrupp supported the organisation's vision for a sustainable model for the economy and production systems. Together with several European partners the company has already developed various products aimed at reducing waste and energy consumption in cities, where the largest amount of energy is consumed. The King of Spain, Felipe VI, chaired the event together with the President of the Italian Republic, Sergio...