Cement News tagged under: Environmental

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Bamburi receives environmental certificiation

01 December 2008, Published under Cement News

Lafarge’s Bamburi Cement Mombasa Quarries has become the first company in Africa to be certified by Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) for its contribution to wildlife habitat conservation. The certification conducted by the United States-based organization was as a result of Lafarge’s commitment to environmental stewardship and increasing native biodiversity.  Lafarge’s Bamburi Cement Mombasa Quarries first received the coveted international recognition in 2006 and was subsequently recertifi...

QMD meeting to focus on proposed dust rules, US South Coast Air Quality Management District will hold a town hall meeting Wednesday to update the public on recent efforts to reduce emissions of hexav

01 December 2008, Published under Cement News

South Coast Air Quality Management District will hold a town hall meeting Wednesday to update the public on recent efforts to reduce emissions of hexavalent chromium from TXI Riverside Cement Co. Air quality officials have spent the past four months working with cement industry leaders to refine proposed amendments to Rule 1156. Rule 1156 was created in 2005 and requires cement facilities to cut emissions of dangerous small particles by half by 2010. The proposed amendments would strengthe...

Lafarge receives habitat conservation award, US

01 December 2008, Published under Cement News

Employees at Lafarge North America Inc.’s Harleyville Cement Plant received international recognition for their contributions to wildlife habitat conservation at the Wildlife Habitat Council’s 20th Annual Symposium, 20/20 Vision: Celebrating the Past, Looking to the Future. Lafarge North America Inc. demonstrates its commitment to environmental stewardship and increasing native biodiversity by achieving habitat recertification at the Harleyville Cement Plant. "This year, our 20th anniversa...

Full steam ahead for Cemex at transport museum

01 December 2008, Published under Cement News

Cemex has announced the winning of the contract to provide 5,500m3 for the foundations and flooring of the new prestigious Riverside Museum , which is a new development for the Glasgow Museum of Transport, currently under construction in the Glasgow Harbour. The UK£74 million development was started in March 2008 and was designed by Pritzker Prize winning architect Zaha Hadid. She has also designed the 2012 Olympics Aquatics Centre and is known for pushing the boundaries of architecture and...

Indonesians honoured with awards for sustainability

01 December 2008, Published under Cement News

Two Indonesians were honored during the Holcim Awards for their sustainable construction project involving children from Jakarta. Didi Pramujadi and Myrza Yuliansyah received certificates of acknowledgement for their efforts during Thursday’s ceremony in New Delhi for the Asia-Pacific winners of the Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction. "We believe that we (as architects) can contribute to the creation of sustainable construction in the future. We can do this by sharing our knowledge...

Holcim announces winners for regional competition, Asia Pacific

28 November 2008, Published under Cement News

The winners of the second Holcim Awards for Sustainable Construction from across region Asia Pacific were announced at a ceremony in New Delhi. Total prize money of US$270,000 was presented to 10 projects that show future-oriented and tangible approaches to urban renewal and development, energy efficiency and affordable housing. A rural planning design for a suburban village in Beijing, China received the top prize of US$100,000 and the Holcim Awards Gold 2008 for effectively combining heri...

Lafarge loses appeal, Canada

28 November 2008, Published under Cement News

Lafarge yesterday lost its legal battle at the Ontario Court of Appeal to stop an independent hearing from scrutinising a proposal to burn tyres at its plant west of Kingston. The defeat means that the cement producer will scrap its plans to burn tires as fuel. "It’s a very disappointing decision for us ... fundamentally it means that the project is done," said Rob Cumming, spokesman for Lafarge and manager of its alternative fuel project. He said the company now has to move forward with ...

Ash Grove sues Dallas over bidding rules

27 November 2008, Published under Cement News

A Texas cement company alleges the city of Dallas and other municipalities violate state law by giving preference during bidding to companies that use "environmentally-friendly" made cement. Midlothian-based Ash Grove Cement Co. contends such practices violate state public contracting laws. It filed a federal lawsuit today in Dallas. According to the lawsuit, Dallas was the first entity in the area to require contractors bidding for jobs to use cement produced by a dry process kiln. Other c...

Petition signed over Cemex quarry plan, UK

27 November 2008, Published under Cement News

More than 2,000 people have signed a petition against a proposed quarry with claims being made over noise, traffic and the environment, according to reports from the BBC. Cemex UK put in an application over a site between Spot Acre, Moddershall and Fulford related to Staffordshire County Council’s core minerals strategy. The council has looked at other sites and sought views on those as part of a consultation which has finished. It said it would make a decision on which sites it wanted to...

Cement producers demand to Be excluded from CO2 emission rule

26 November 2008, Published under Cement News

According to the head of Cement Producers Association (SPC) Andrzej Balcerek, cement plants should be excluded from the EU system of CO2 emission rights. According to calculations prepared by the SPC, cement production in Poland will become unprofitable if the cost of CO2 emission rights reaches EUR23/t, and at EUR35, the whole production of clinker will be switched outside the EU. The sector wishes to learn about the regulations to be valid from 2013 as soon as possible, in order to dec...