Cement News tagged under: Environmental

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Permit approved for geothermal expansion

11 January 2008, Published under Cement News

An Oregon-based power company received a special use permit Wednesday night to establish a cement blending facility on Beasley Drive off the Carson Highway in Churchill County. The Churchill County Planning Commission granted the special use permit to Vulcan Power Company. In its application, the company states the cement blending facility will assist with its geothermal drilling program. Dennis Shaver, cementing manager for Vulcan Power, said the facility west of Fallon will also serve a H...

It pays for cement makers to go green

10 January 2008, Published under Cement News

It pays to go green, as India’s small cement manufacturers are discovering. Badarpurghat (Assam)-based cement maker Barak Valley Cements is generating power from a biomass-based thermal power plant that uses rice husk as fuel. Barak Valley’s subsidiary Badarpur Energy has set up a 6 mw biomass-based power plant to meet the power requirements. The plant will produce 1050 tonnes daily, post expansion, from February 2008. Barak Valley will save Rs 10 crore, or roughly 50 per cent, on its power...

Target for emissions threatens EU heavy industry

10 January 2008, Published under Cement News

Plans to tighten up the rationing of greenhouse gas emissions will contribute to the loss of some heavy industries from the European Union, according to official documents. Europe’s aluminium producers are among those unlikely to be able to absorb increased costs resulting from proposals contained in a draft European Commission directive to widen the scope of the bloc’s emissions trading scheme (ETS) and reduce the permits it allocates, officials acknowledge. Steel, cement and chemical make...

Shells provide a good cement diet supplement

10 January 2008, Published under Cement News

In a probable world first, Holcim New Zealand can now use mussel shells to supplement limestone in its cement. The company has received resource consent to discharge contaminants from stored mussel shells at its Cape Foulwind quarry, near Westport. “It’s the first time that mussel shells have been used in the cement-making process, so as far as we know,’’ Holcim’s Westport works manager Chris Dempsey said. About 400 tonnes of shells would be trucked to the quarry weekly, mostly from the Sea...

Energy management to be key focus for Siam Cement

17 December 2007, Published under Cement News

Energy management will be the main focus at Siam Cement Group in 2008, with all business units being required to pay more attention to maximise the benefits of resources, said SCG president and CEO Kan Trakulhoon. Aside from the waste-heat power-generation projects at cement plants, which will require a total investment of Bt5.9 billion and be complete in 2009, all units are urged to recycle resources whenever possible. The waste-heat power-generation projects are expected to reduce waste w...

ACC in strategic tie-up with Development Alternatives

11 December 2007, Published under Cement News

In a move to provide a thrust to construction and rural infrastructure in India, cement major  ACC Ltd has entered into a strategic partnership with Development Alternatives, a Delhi-based private agency.     The partnership will address the area of sustainable construction and rural infrastructure in the country, thereby making sustained contributions to improvement in the quality of life of rural communities, a release said here today.     ACC is an operating company of the Holcim Group....

10 year co-operation between Cemex and Birdlife launched

10 December 2007, Published under Cement News

To further integrate the protection of the environment in its business, Cemex has signed a 10-year global agreement with the international bird and biodiversity conservation organisation, BirdLife International. Cemex and BirdLife International have worked together in Europe before, but this new agreement goes further. BirdLife’s counsel, advice and expertise will be integrated into the management of over 400 quarry sites operated by Cemex around the world. Mike Rands, CEO of BirdLife...

Anhui to spend RMB2bn on cogeneration development

10 December 2007, Published under Cement News

Anhui province plans to spend RMB 2.24 billion to install 33 sets of new residual heat cogeneration equipment in 2008. The equipment has additional annual production value of RMB 1.03 billion.     At present, Anhui province has transferred 21 modern dry cement clinker production lines to residual cogeneration technology of 4 cement production enterprises. The total investment value is RMB 1.34 billion. Anhui province forecasts that the projects will generate 1.2 billion kilowatts of power ...

Implementing its landmark emissions law dogs the state

05 December 2007, Published under Cement News

For all the praise and attention California has received for its landmark emissions-reduction plan, it’s becoming clear that signing the legislation was the easy part. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has promoted the state as a leader in reducing greenhouse gases, telling audiences from Great Britain to the United Nations that the law is a template for the nation and other countries to follow as they seek ways to reduce global warming. His sales pitch prompted Hawaii and New Jersey to adopt Cal...

India: Cement plant blazes a trail

04 December 2007, Published under Cement News

When she first heard about some entrepreneurs planning to set up a cement factory in her village, 27-year-old Pramila Bauri greeted the news with as much cynicism as one would expect from a villager fearful of losing her plot of land and the pollution-free atmosphere. Today, Pramila is one of the many happy faces in a group of villagers tasting the fruits of development after decades of neglect. Devendranagar, a few kilometres from Badarpur town of Karimganj district, now not only has a fac...