Cement News tagged under: Environmental

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Details demanded on emissions

10 August 2004, Published under Cement News

Residents near Rugby Cement in the UK which was forced to halt controversial tyre-burning trials have demanded details of chemicals pumped out because of a breakdown. Rugby borough councillor Pat Wyatt is asking what came out of the chimney at Rugby Cement in Lawford Road, Rugby, on May 27 - the day the plant was proved to have released dangerously high emissions for three hours. Although the Environment Agency and Rugby Cement both confirmed the accident - which was caused by a blown fuse -...

Japan to launch greenhouse trade market

04 August 2004, Published under Cement News

The Japanese Environment Ministry will set up a market in fiscal 2005 for transactions of greenhouse gas emissions among companies to attain Japan’s emissions cut obligation under the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, ministry officials said Tuesday. The ministry will begin to publicly ask companies to participate early next year, with several dozen companies likely taking part, the officials said.  

TXI to sue EPA over pollution controls

02 August 2004, Published under Cement News

 A North Texas cement kiln is battling federal regulators over pollution controls. TXI has filed a lawsuit against the federal Environmental Protection Agency. The Dallas-based company wants the government to turn off pollution controls at the kiln after ozone season ends in October. The move would release tonnes of additional ozone-producing pollutants each year. State regulators say they plan to approve a company request to increase production and reduce controls. EPA officials, however...

Weird, grey dust

02 August 2004, Published under Cement News

A group of Thomaston and Rockland residents, as well as others from surrounding communities, are questioning Dragon Products Company’s environmental practices, especially its treatment of dust. The neighbours for a Safe Dragon, a newly formed group of concerned citizens note that: "Dragon Cement seems to have fallen through the regulatory cracks altogether," said the group’s spokesman, Greg Marley. "This is a 15-acre...waste pile that hasn’t had a legal operating permit for 12 years." ...

Ash Grove to test burn scrap tyres

30 July 2004, Published under Cement News

Ash Grove Cement Co. in Louisville will be allowed to burn scrap tyres in its kilns for 60 days under a variance approved by the director of the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). Two environmental groups, the Nebraska chapter of the Sierra Club and Eastern Nebraskans Against Chemical Trespass, have opposed the trial burn, saying it would pose a significant health risk to Louisville and outlying communities. Emissions from scrap tires, they say, contain lead, mercury and oth...

St Lawrence Cement plant debate

29 July 2004, Published under Cement News

Representatives of St. Lawrence Cement and the group Friends of Hudson offered diametrically opposing views at a forum Wednesday on the potential effects a proposed cement manufacturing facility on the region’s environment. About 80 people turned out for the event at the Rhinebeck Town Hall, which was organized by Dutchess County Legislator Joel Tyner, D-Clinton/Rhinebeck. At Wednesday’s forum, Dan Odescalchi, a spokesman for St. Lawrence Cement, and Sam Pratt, the executive director of F...

HeidelbergCement initiates legal action

26 July 2004, Published under Cement News

HeidelbergCement has taken legal steps against the German laws on emissions trading. These laws place a completely unreasonable burden on the cement industry in Germany. The Group would like to bring about a decision by the German Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) regarding the constitutionality of the Emissions Trading Act this year, ie before the commencement of the first trading period, if possible.  To this end, HeidelbergCement has instituted legal proceedings w...

Pressure increases to scrap tyre burning

23 July 2004, Published under Cement News

Beleaguered cement bosses are facing increasing pressure to permanently abandon controversial tyre burning trials once and for all following their latest setback. Rugby MP Andy King met with senior Environment Agency (EA) officers last week to urge that the trials not be allowed to restart. The trials were dramatically stopped by the EA earlier this month, after cement bosses continued burning tyres for three hours, releasing high levels of emissions into the air around Rugby, in spi...

New row on tyre burning

19 July 2004, Published under Cement News

UK Environment Agency bosses suspended the trials at Rugby Cement in Lawford Road, Rugby, last month after monitors showed the plant released high levels of particulates - chemicals believed to cause cancer - for three hours.  The trials have not started again since, despite assurances from the cement company that the accident was a minor incident.  Environment Agency manager David Hudson said: "The company needs to gain the trust of the local community and failures like this do not help bui...

EU – ETS one step closer

10 July 2004, Published under Cement News

The European Union Executive announced its approval of eight national allocation plans (NAP), sharing out CO2 emissions amongst energy-intensive industrial plants in preparation for the launch of the carbon market next January. The EU approved the NAPs proposed by Denmark, The Netherlands, Ireland, Slovenia and Sweden unconditionally, while Austria, Germany and the UK will see their plans passed providing minor technical amendments are made. The approvals clear over 5000 plants to receiv...