Cement News tagged under: Freight Markets

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Markets remain unsettled

08 April 2005, Published under Cement News

The news front the week has been marked by the troubled negotiations on steel prices between Chinese steel mills and their suppliers. After mills accepted the now benchmark level of 71.5 per cent rise in iron ore prices from CVRD and Rio Tinto, negotiations failed with BHP, on a proposal from the latter to add a US$7.5-10/t premium mainly to cover the rise in shipping costs.                 Simultaneously the Chinese government stated that they will "more strictl...

Market activity reflected in increased rates

30 March 2005, Published under Cement News

Last week was not so quiet on dry bulk markets despite the absence of some players for Easter festivities by the end of the week. This steady level of fixtures stopped the fall in Cape rates. Situation was almost similar in the Panamax segment but the level of business in the East remained subdued. The Handy market remained tight particularly in the Atlantic where rates have again progressed for prompt tonnage. A mixed feeling is emerging from the news this week. On the bright side first, a ...

Hot and cold news influences markets

23 March 2005, Published under Cement News

The lack of business that started to weigh down the Cape market last week has kept on bearing on the figures this week. However the last two trading days have seen some fixtures and stems coming to surface, allowing rates to stop their free fall. The sustained activity we saw last week on the Panamax market did not repeat, particularly in the East where rates plunged even deeper. This gloomy picture is in sharp contrast with what the Handymax market recorded in both basins, as the steady flo...

Mixed signals in the dry bulk sector

16 March 2005, Published under Cement News

Contrary to last week where almost all dry bulk markets levelled off, freight rates evolution this week started to diverge. The Capes did not confirmed the positive outlook promised by the end of last week upturn which quickly faded, and rates declined all over the week, however everyone still believes that this should only be temporary. Surprisingly this time Panamax tonnage has taken the driving seat and thanks to a sustained activity in the Atlantic and a steady level of business in the P...

The downs and ups of freighting costs

09 March 2005, Published under Cement News

Despite the rather unanimous fall in rates recorded this week, which is in line with what had been anticipated, the last 24 hours of the week have given some signals of an upward trend. Everyone already feel that April or May requirements will soon need to be covered and will capture the tight volume of tonnage still available on the market. Asia has given the start to this movement but the Atlantic market may follow soon. So, figures are down but the market is still firm. ...

Rates keep on rising

22 February 2005, Published under Cement News

After the upturn of the market last week, rates have kept on rising over the last five trading days. Levels which were talked about a week ago have been achieved for all segments of the dry bulk fleet. Everyone is wondering if the feared influence of holidays in Asia has not been exaggerated and if this rush is not predicting a stall? Such question have been repeated so many times since the winter 2003, with each time nothing really significant happening that the horizon for market players r...

Volume of business improving

16 February 2005, Published under Cement News

The wait and see feeling which was widely shared last week doesn’t seem to be charterers’ view any longer. The volume of business this week has been firmer on almost all segments of the dry bulk markets. Capes reacted first in an already tight market and rates recorded some sharp increases especially in the Pacific where r/v are now heading towards the $75,000 per day figure. Panamax rates have also been dragged by a rather strong fixing activity in both basins. Even Handysize/max rates free...

Charterers play the waiting game

08 February 2005, Published under Cement News

After the short rush of last week that pushed Capes and Panamax rates up again, the market seems now to play the waiting game with the Chinese New Year festivities about to start. However, despite the very low volume of business, Capes rates didn’t fall sharply due to the still tight fleet availability. A weaker market in the Atlantic and still a low volume of business in the East had some more impact on Panamax rates having lost all the ground gained last week. This context has even more af...

Markets regain some lost ground

02 February 2005, Published under Cement News

Activity on dry bulk markets this week was in line what was expected. Capes have taken the driving seat and now with few ships remaining  open prompt the market seems to be ready for another rally in case of any  stronger comeback of charterers. Reacting a bit later Panamax tonnage has started to regain some ground by mid week on the back of an interest towards  period charters in both basins. The Handy market was the only one to stay  out of the game with rates steadily declining over...

Mixed signals from the market

26 January 2005, Published under Cement News

Dry bulk markets have continued to slide last week but on Friday the general feeling was that next week will see a comeback of charterers particularly in the East, which should reverse the trend in the short term. Some freight rates already showed signs of stabilisation by the end of the week. The situation is less clear in the Atlantic and it could take some more time to recover.                 After a positive start to the year the Panamax market took a diff...