Cement News tagged under: Freight Markets

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No major pick-up as yet

24 March 2004, Published under Cement News

The downward trend that the market has been feeling since the middle of last week, mainly due to congestion and force majeure problems in Australian ports and a slow start to the South American grain season, has again curbed rates this week. This has been highly sensitive for Capsize tonnage and to a lesser extent for Panamax ships. Both owners and charterers seem to be waiting for the situation to settle, just fixing short-term commitments and thinking that this correction is no more than t...

Volatile markets

17 March 2004, Published under Cement News

As it was anticipated last week, dry bulk markets were volatile. The Capesize segment ended the week just a few points above the previous week after a mid week downward correction. Panamaxes have regained the ground lost over the past three weeks, but a slowdown in activity was felt during the last two trading days. The HandyMax market remains firm, as it has been since early February. Record-breaking prices have been achieved for yard-resale transactions with prompt deliveries now approachi...

Towards the doldrums ?

02 March 2004, Published under Cement News

Contrary to last week when all dry bulk markets were on their way up, rates have experienced a rather severe correction especially since the middle of the week. With a lack of activity in the Atlantic, the Capesize market was the first to take a dive back to levels last seen at the end of last year. It was followed soon by the Panamax but to a lesser extent, thanks to some business coming from the ECSA. Handymaxes so far have not been much affected by this downturn and rates have only suffer...

Rates rising after short-lived blip

24 February 2004, Published under Cement News

The blip of the dry bulk markets has been relatively short-lived. Since the middle of the week, both the Capesize and Panamax markets have started to see rates increasing substantially, and China SB type ships, for example have succeeded in getting rates in the region of US$100,000 for fronthaul trips. These firmer trends have spread to the Panamax sector, with fronthaul rates back to a level close to U$50,000/day. As far as HandyMax and Handysize are concerned, both basins have also recorde...

Handy markets slowing down but gearing up for rebound

17 February 2004, Published under Cement News

The Capesize voyage market suffered a drop in both basins, and even if the fall was more obvious in the Pacific than in the Atlantic, now all industry players are awaiting the evolution in the coming weeks. Is just a temporary blip, or a change in trend. Some lower than expected world economic growth was mentioned also this week. However, if the situation is rather similar for Panamax, many charterers are still confident the market will rebound in the short time. The number of vessels taken ...

Panamax down but Handy going strong

11 February 2004, Published under Cement News

The dry bulk markets, with the exception of the HandyMax and Handysize sectors have seen some changes, especially the Panamax one, which lost some ground in the East, where the availability of tonnage was enough to cover all the short-haul inquiries and in the Atlantic where demand was a bit less active. In that context, the BPI lost 286 points during the five trading days of the week. Some tonnage has started to ballast to the more lucrative Atlantic market. Despite an overall 91-point rise...

Strong increase from China and Japan give markets boost

05 February 2004, Published under Cement News

After a slow start to the week, a strong increase of mineral inquiries from Chinese and Japanese charterers, has reversed the downward trend, which was the consequence of the end of the Chinese New Year. Now, the market is back in the up direction, and to show the change in trend, let’s mention that within the last two days of the week, the BCI rose by 185 points at 7682, and the BPI achieved an even firmer performance with a 303 point rise. The HandyMax and Handysize market showed some bri...

Chinese New Year quietens market

01 February 2004, Published under Cement News

There is a little bit of irony to see that during the same week, when China announced its final figures of GDP for 2003, which finally reached 9.10 per cent, when the latest monthly report from the IISI shows record steel production for the same period, the dry bulk market has been down for the first time for a while. The long festive Chinese New Year celebrations can be considered as the main responsible, and the situation should be back to normal progressively. The Capesize market has been...

Dry bulk markets remain high

20 January 2004, Published under Cement News

Despite the forthcoming Chinese New Year this week, which will probably have an impact on the overall activity, the dry bulk markets continue their steady rise, and especially, the Cape sector recorded new highs with some modern vessels fixed above the US$100,000/day mark for fronthaul trips. Among the factors which contribute to the rise of rates, one mustn't forget the brisk rise of bunker prices, which have increased by $25/t, basis delivery Rotterdam, within five days. A good number of s...

Good start to the year

13 January 2004, Published under Cement News

We had to wait the turn of the year, to see the BCI breaking the 5,000 point mark, but it finally did. After a break of almost two weeks, the current one started with some hesitation but rapidly, both the Capesize, Panamax and HandyMax and Handysize market moved on an upward trend. All sizes and routes have been affected by the rapid rise of the market but a great number of fixtures have been concluded and in the Panamax sector period rates have reached news highs. The BCI, now at 7,349, has...