Cement News tagged under: Freight Markets

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Christmas cheer continues

28 December 2003, Published under Cement News

The Christmas break will come now very soon but until the very end days of December, the dry bulk markets, will have maintained their firm note. The Capesize market has continued to see rates rise, especially for time-charters and periods, while the voyage market was roughly steady, despite the increase of bunker prices. The Panamax sector encountered unchanged conditions, with a large number of ships taken for periods above $US30,000/day, while also voyage rates didn't move much from one we...

Christmas cheer

21 December 2003, Published under Cement News

We are now less than two weeks before Christmas, and the dry bulk markets show no sign of a possible slowdown. This is confirmed on the voyage market where rates continues their steady rise, as well as on the period market with a lot of tonnage taken for one or two years (particularly for Panamaxes which reached new records), but also on the newbuilding front  where a good number of contracts have been placed for all sizes of ships. It is still amazing to notice that despite a huge backlog o...