CRH reports net income up 15% in 2024
CRH posted total revenues of USS$8.9bn in the fourth quarter of 2024, up two per cent YoY. The g...
CRH posted total revenues of USS$8.9bn in the fourth quarter of 2024, up two per cent YoY. The g...
Ireland-based Mannok Cement are introducing Ultra White Cement, the first product manufactured...
Ireland-based Mannok has successfully addressed a plastic bag weight issue at its cement plant i...
Global construction company Bouygues Construction has signed an agreement with low-carbon cement...
CRH has announced that Alan Connolly will assume the position of Interim Chief Financial Offic...
CRH announced total revenues for the group of US$10.5bn (3Q23: US$10.1bn) in the 3Q24 were fou...
CRH has announced the appointment of Jim Mintern as the next chief executive officer, succeedi...
Following a recent early morning blowout at Irish Cement , a subsidiary of CRH Plc , that left...
Ecocem , Europe’s leading proprietor of low-carbon cement technologies, announced on 4 Septembe...
Future state-funded building such as roads, schools and hospitals must use low-carbon concrete ...