Cement News tagged under: Oficemen

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Spain’s cement market contracts 3% in August

18 September 2014, Published under Cement News

Spain’s cement consumption fell by a further three per cent in August 2014 to 819,249t. In the first eight months of 2014 domestic demand registered a two per cent YoY fall to 7.1Mt. “With these data we can talk about record lows, with figures even more daunting in regions such as Catalonia, with a cumulative decline of 15.8 per cent in the first eight months of the year,” said Oficemen CEO, Aniceto Zaragoza. “Given the weak state of the domestic market and to preserve activity in our pl...

Spanish consumption woes continue

15 July 2014, Published under Cement News

Spain's cement consumption fell two per cent YoY to 967,790t in June, according to the latest data from Oficemen, the country's cement association. The latest set of figures brings the total for the 1H14 to 5.2Mt, indicating a market contraction of 3.2 per cent over the same period of 2013. Isidoro Miranda, chairman, and Aniceto Zaragoza, CEO of Oficemen, have said they expect the year to close with a domestic demand of 10.4Mt and have called it "the worst year for the industry in half a ...

Spain: May cement demand down 2.9%

24 June 2014, Published under Cement News

Cement consumption in Spain reported a 2.9 per cent drop in May to 978,688t, which is 28,849t less than the same month of last year, domestic cement association, Oficemen has said. The latest figure brings cement consumption for the year to date to 4,229,479t, down 3.5 per cent when compared with January-May 2013. Oficemen said it has been the first May since 1965 that cement consumption did not surpass the 1Mt mark.

Spain: Oficemen and unions sign wage agreement with government

17 January 2014, Published under Cement News

Spain’s cement association, Oficemen, and the country’s largest unions CCOO and UGT have sign a IV agreement with the state, setting the annual minimum wage in the cement sector at EUR18,600 for the first year of service. A normal working day represents 1752h on an annual basis. The signing also included the renewal of the agreement, signed a decade ago, for the sustainable use of resources, environmental protection, people’s health and improving the competitive of the Spanish cement sec...

Spain: cement consumption to drop 20% in 2013

18 December 2013, Published under Cement News

National cement consumption is expected to register a double-digit decline for its sixth-consecutive decline as Spanish cement association, Oficemen, put the YoY drop at 20 per cent. Oficemen also points out the decreasing profit margins for the country’s producers as demand continues to falls and production costs move in the opposite direction. The lack of competitive power prices, which sees price differences between Spanish and German power of around EUR15-30/MWh have pushed up product...

Spanish cement consumption falls by a quarter

20 May 2013, Published under Cement News

Spanish cement consumption fell 25.5 per cent over the first four months of 2012, down to 3.472Mt, latest data from domestic association Oficemen shows. In April alone, demand was 139,578t less than April 2012 to just just 936,956t. Production for the January-April period was also down 25.9 per cent to 4.01Mt compared to 5.42Mt in the same period of 2012. April 2013 output was 19.3 per cent lower 1.07Mt compared to 1.32Mt in the same period of the month before.

Oficemen names new president, Spain

15 May 2013, Published under Cement News

Isidoro Miranda, CEO of Lafarge Spain, has been appointed president of Spanish cement association, Oficemen. Mr Miranda replaces José Luis Sáenz de Miera of Cementos Portland Valderrivas, who was appointed in late February following the departure of Juan Bejar, also of Portland Valderrivas. Speaking of the challenges the Spanish cement sector faces in light of the current economic climate, Mr Miranda stated:  "The cement industry is at a critical moment, but our business is critical to...

Spain’s cold spell continues as January demand drops 21.5% YoY

19 February 2013, Published under Cement News

Spanish cement producers have had a frosty start to the year as cement consumption continues to fall. January 2013 data show a 21.5 per cent decrease to 892,783t from 1.138Mt recorded in January 2012, according to the country’s cement association Oficemen. Local cement producers have also cut output by 30.7 per cent to 948,443t when compared to the 1.369Mt manufactured during January 2012. “If 2012 was one of the worst years ever known the cement industry in our country, starting in 20...